Arrived in Manti on Sunday ready to go to work. I was the first one there,and got right to work.

Saturday brought the car show and parade.
there was a big turnout. Each artist gave out his award,
and there was an auction of the other art we painted over the weekend. All the procedes go to the city to improve the park. There is a new restroom that has been built by what we've raised over the past few years.GOOD JOB GUYS,AND GALLS!!!..After a visit to Freds for a milk shake, we went back to Ilene's and painted some more. Kenny got out the airbrush and whipped out some cool, old skool, airbrush fink shirts.
After a fabulous potluck dinner we spent the rest of the evening painting on various things,and yuckin it up with everyone.... STUPID CAR!
Then a trip to Funk Funk, and Fink. The week went so fast. It was a great time. we're already making plans for next year. don't miss it!!!
there were a number of projects to finish for the show and auction. I made Ilene a Rat Fink version of the corn hole game. I call Pie Hole. Judith made some pie shaped bean bags. It was a hit.
next day was spent painting. I re cleared Rusty's tailgate.
He in turn resealed the leak in my van's rear end.
Here Magoo is showing his magical technique...
Gary from Las Vegas, brought his latest project,the Bubble Ray Vette...way cool
We did a screen printing demo/ seminar on Friday.. It was a huge success.
there were several other things going on friday. We all had a blast painting togeather. Jeff De Grandis was there again.(here he is Moe!!).I'm not sure who is crazier, Him or Kenny....
Late fri.nite, we went to Ephraim to get an ice cream
How do the girls of Ephriam have fun on a friday???