George has been doing vehicles for the movies,and T.V., as well as personal vehicles for the Hollywood crowd,and don't forget the show cars. and he has records of everyone of them. I could have stayed there all day, but we have places to go..
And this would be Georges daily driver. Cool!
oh yea.. this was just down the street...
Ready for a night on the town??
We made it to Tom's to get the DODGE.
Now to get out of Hell! lol
Next stop ..Las Vegas... Well, there was one in Barstow
Driving across the desert, we stopped at a rest area, NO BRAKES! We limped it to the next exit,to get some brake fluid. stumbled onto the worlds only water fall urinal?? yes that's right!
what an experience. We managed to get there O.K.

Stayed at the Rio. It was a great place. This was the first trip to Vegas for the Boys, and we hit the town ready to Gamble. Went down town to the Horseshoe and I showed them how to play the crap table.
Hung out on Freemont street then went sight seein'. Later we went to the Venician.
they had some cool Christmas decorations. Ended up at Emeril's steak house for dinner..WOW THAT WAS GOOD!! This is a water fall pool with cranberrys floating in it. neet!