I recently came back from our winter council meeting in Nawlins, Lewzanna. It was a great time. But the day before I left to come home I dropped my phone and broke the screen. I didn't realize how much I rely on the damn thing, or how much of my life is contained in that little box! A number of pictures,,phone numbers,and texts will have to wait till it gets fixed. waiting on parts as I write this. One of the cool things about the Big Easy,is the street cars,
They have antique street cars that are restored and operate just like they did decades ago. A day pass is 3 bucks and you can go all over town, all you want. We didn't drive anywhere. The street cars went every where we wanted to go.
We went to one of the companies that make the floats for the Mardi Gras parades... |
and the famous cemeteries, Quite educational, and a little creepy. |
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I came home to frigid temperatures,and snow. It was time to get back on the van,
I had the idea of doing embroidery of a pinstripe design on the seats. | I wanted something fairly large. |
I did a stripe design and scanned it into the computer,then had a friend, Elaine Swank, do the design on a piece of material that will be sewn into the seat panel. Ron Petrella ,an old club member is doing the seats for me.
This gives you some idea how it will look. This isn't one of the seats. its a spare so I can move the truck around |
Ever since I put the air conditioning unit under the dash I have been trying to figure out how I was going to finish off that area.
I decided to jump in and try a couple ideas. |
I started with 2 panels to cover as much of the front wall as possible. There is a lot of hoses and wiring that needs to be hidden |
cutting and fitting all this took about 2 days.
Got to figure out a way to cover the steering column ,then its time to cover these with Material. cant wait. Also there will be LED lights under all these panels. and a bracket to hold an I pad.that hooks to the stereo. Digital tunes you know...
so the next step is to cover the panels with material.
vents for the air conditioning on each side. |
All done, and I installed led lights underneath . lookin cool!