Well , I made it to florida. The van ran like a champ. Went to my vanner friends Lew & Agnes Skokos', in St Cloud wed. Thanks Guys!.Then to Cocoa to work on an early Ford Ranchero,and a cool little cooler to go with the truck, Thanks, Jim. Then to Lake Wales to Judiths house to help get ready for the council meeting. We printed 144 t-shirts (Thats gross) for our group. Been here 2 days and all I've done is work. lots of sun, no fun. This next week will be, though. Goin on a 4 day cruise with 40 vanners before the council meeting. That should prove interesting!

I flee to Florida saturday, to go to the race in Daytona. And where is MY shirt?
Speaking of which, we gonna see you out here for the Reno trip? I've got plenty of Redrum just waiting!
really want to go on the train trip dont know if i can swing it. been gone to lone now.
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