There were a lot of stripers there this year . Most of the regulars, Scal, Wendel, Shane,Web, and a lot of guys I can't remember their names....sorry. The weather was crappy,and we ended up inside. There were fewer cars than last year but, I think the weather caused that.
Afterwords,we all went to Applebee's and had a great time. Wish we could do this more often... Back to the real world.... Went to Mr Green's first thing Monday.and did the wagons... it went like this...
Another successful back to that van.
Wow. Nice lettering. Your a regular Buz Mc Kim!
thank you. oh grasshopper
What? NO pithy loaf comments? I'm shocked...
always keeping you on your toes
I just finished reading your entire blog and looking at all the pictures and all I can say is WOW! I knew you had a lot of talent, but never knew it went as far as some of the creations you have made. What an asset to vanning and the automotive world you are. Thanx for paying it forward!
thank you brother!
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