After leaving Dallas I headed to Utah. I had a few days till the party, so I wanted to hit Manti. The trip was smooth and my route took me through some beautiful terrain.
The shortest route took me through Moab,Utah, past Arches park. I would have stopped in the park except it was getting late. The closer I got the colder it became. But the roads were clear. Arrived late in the evening and went to see Ilene.(Roth). Had a good visit and got some things for the Moon show. That night a cool front came through.. Got down to 26 below and dumped 10 inches of the white death. Damn that's cold!
The truck wouldn't start. Got a jump but decided to stay. Stayed a couple days till the streets cleared off. Headed out on Wednesday. Before I left, Debb and I went to the local diner for some breakfast. We were in Ephraim, Utah. About as remote a place as you will find. Most of you know me to be a big Ohio State Buckeyes fan...Well half way through breakfast this comes and sits in front of me.
UUGGGGH!! Hows that song go? I DON'T GIVE A DAMN FOR THE WHOLE STATE OF................. O Well, I headed south toward Arizona and Nevada .Just before I left Utah, I hit St George. Guess what was there.....
Let the burger fest begin!!.....I drove to Primm ,Nevada, on the California border, and stayed at Whiskey Pete's that night. Not before a stop on Sahara Blvd, in Vegas( might there be an In-N-Out there?). It was still cold ,but a lot better than 25 below. Friday I drove into the L.A. valley. Went to see my buddy Jimmy C. Found him at his studio, getting ready for the Mooneyes show.

This would be
Barstow , California.... Damn .To early, they are still closed!!
And, the one in Victorville, Damn!!
I was greeted by Buster the wonder dawg. Hi Buster! Got there just before lunch. As fate would have it ,Kenny is working at a movie studio just up the street from Jimmy's, so we called him and we went to lunch...
Guess where....... Now that's some trick photography!
Nice Van!
Went back to Jimmy's and got out the can I've been working on for the party. Had a few finishing touches to do on it. Then we got a visit from the contingent from Japan.. Nash comes over every year for this gig, and brings some of the stripers from Japan with him. I've met all but one before.
From the left is Dirty K, Yours truly, Jimmy C, Mr. G, And Ghost. The American hot rod scene is big in Japan. Anything to do with it is a big deal to them.There is a Mooneyes store in Tokyo. They hold a big show there the week before the one here. These 3 stripers are but a few of the guys that come over for it. They are really great artists too. I am Lucky enough to have some of their artwork hangin in my house. Good to see you guys again!!
I have to show you this bike that Jimmy had in his shop. He had a customer bring it to him, and told him to cover it with stripes....Wow, what a beautiful job. Must have taken a week!

Jimmy and Dena put me up for the night, again.. Thank you both!

It's always fun to stay with them. Next day we went back to the shop.I
helped jimmy get some stuff ready for the show... Kenny called and wanted to take us to the
Fatburger for lunch. Not being one to
turn down a burger, especially a
Fatburger, we were on our way.
I was to pick up the "boys" that evening in Ontario, which is on the other side of the valley, so I had to leave shortly thereafter. Picked them up later that evening. They were hungry from being on a plane for 6 hours,and guess what they wanted.......
Tomorrow we go to the show!