I've always wanted to take this picture......only in Kentucky!
The day after Ohio State Put another beatin' on Michigan, I headed south to Florida for another edition of the Turkey Rod Run. This was my 18th year at this show,and as usual,it was a success. The weather was a little cool. There was a cold front that followed me from Ohio, but that didn't stop the hot rodders from comin' out. Jim Bag was there to help me all weekend,and we had the normal dinner trips with our friends from Fla, Don, Kathy, Bonnie and Joe.
This beautiful 59 wagon was my first victim
It is a repeat. I keep adding to it each year.
Love those fenderless cars!!

Jason, A local striper, stopped to see me again, Hi Jason!
It was a long day.. this will do it for this year!
The following week found me in St Cloud, Striping another car for one of my regular customers. A very nice Camaro convertible. These are the other cars I've done for them over the years.

Way cool garage and all those toys. What's the yellow car on the lift?
a 70's Dodge Dart didn't get to work on that one.
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