Woah, That yours truly in a Blackhawk helicopter! Would love to learn how to fly one, but I'm here to do a job for the guys in the blackhawk squadron. Jim gave me the tour of the facility. IMPRESSIVE!. These guys were in Afghanistan last year,and had some stories to tell. They deserve all the respect we can give them!!

These choppers were getting their scheduled

This is the helmet I did for one of their members who is retiring....thanks to all of you!
Matchstick got the doors finished for the chevy I'm doing for Tom. They turned out quite well.
hey this is BajaCharlie the guy who sold ya that van(bummed I didnt get ta meet ya at CofC)lookin cool howd ya like the custom paint behind the hubcaps?
the purple and orange????? yea we'are still wondering about that one LOL
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