Vanning is a compulsion, an obsession, an occupation, an affliction, a fascination, a fate. It is not a hobby. Those who do it, must. Those who don't, think it's a waste of time. For me it is a calling.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Since the last post ,I feel like I've lived a whole lifetime. Been to the Rat Fink Reunion, Back to the 50's car show, and run this years Van Nationals. Having finally got some energy back, I've started on the early again. I have a few pictures to post of things I've been working on. The biggest being the Deathstar, the van I've been painting on the last year.
It turned out pretty nice.. Then there was the Rat Fink Reunion. The first weekend in June is Manti , Utah time. The black snow board is the piece I did for the auction. The happy seat was my award piece for the show..
Did these sat, the Camaro was Rusty's wife's. the last piece before Funk Funk and Fink.. lol
and of course we made a trip to Provo!!! The treet of the weekend was when one of the guys attending,who is a Navy Seebee, asked Ilene for a shirt with a print of the Seebee design that Ed had done years ago.. She then took that screen out of the display and allowed us to print some shirts with one of Ed's hand made screens. WOW, That was very cool. Sent chills down the spine!!
Another sucessfull reunion that went by way to fast... cant wait till next year!!
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