Since the last post I have been all over Gods creation.. I went to Florida ,Thanksgiving week, and worked the Turkey Run at the Daytona speedway.
Got setup on Wednesday. Next day..........
Gee Can I take it home LOL
Lots of cool cars at this show. Always one of the best I do each year! After the show, my helper Jim Bag, helped me tear down and I left all my stuff at his place for the winter. Monday I headed over to Lew and Agnes'. We ended up at my favorite Mexican restaurant.. as usual lol
Van doesn't look to bad when its clean. haha
Next three days was spent on the road , heading to Calif. for part 2 of the trip. O look what I found in Arizona. LOL
I made it to the home of two of the best people I know. Jimmy C and the Queen, in San Clemente Calif. For those of you who don't know , Jimmy is another Rat Fink artist that I met 20 years ago while attending my first Rat Fink Reunion. Jimmy is one of the most prolific artists that I have ever met. He can do it all, and is the best friend a guy could have. Love working with him. I've learned a lot from Jimmy.
They put me up for the week I was in Calif. (yes, that's the ocean out there)
No 5 star hotel can beat this!!!
Tat Fink.........Awesome!!! lol
Jimmy is an inspiration for me, since Ed has been gone..
The reason for me being in Calif in the first place was the Mooneye's show and the Brush Off. Sat found us at the Irwindale Raceway at 6am, sitting in a massive traffic jam,trying to get in to mooneye's show. This show gets bigger every year.
Tom Kelly was there with this beautiful bike and side car. He does fabulous work!!
Modern artist icon, Robert Williams came by to have a chat with us.. hi Bob!!
Coby was there with his beautiful early Ford van..Maybe the nicest van ever built
Talked with him till it was time to head to the Brush Off

Gee Can I take it home LOL

Did a couple stripe jobs while at Lew's, and spent a day hanging at Lew's shop getting my van ready for the rest of the ride to come.

Those of you who have been following my blog,know I get invited to this striper get together each year.. There are some of the top painters around at this gig. Besides the great food ,the attendees bring panels they have painted for a panel exchange. Here is some of the art from this year

0 yea. this was mine

The exchange went off with out a hitch. For a change, LOL
Yes, I drove across the country to eat this mans cooking. And its worth it!!

The following week I went to Burbank to meet Kenny. He gave me the personal tour of Warner Bros studios.. how cool was that??
This is the back lot. he gave me the run down on where each shot in what movie was done... I'll never look at the movies the same. lol
They were setting up a shot for the new MIB 3 movie...
Before I left town I went to see Patrick. Vanner buddy that I met last year at the van council meeting in California. He wanted some pinstripes on his beautiful early Ford.
Turned out pretty good , if I dont say so myself.. And I want to thanks his beautifull wife for the fabulous dinner. Love Mexican Then it was off to Manti, Utah. Need some time with Ilene the Rat Fink Queen. and Deb. Ended up taking a couple days to go to Monument Valley.and Four Corners.

Coop! Glad to see you've updated your blog with a nice update! Russ misses ya since he left Sam's! Shoot me an email with your phone number sometime! -- Russ is gonna need to stripe a couple things for his projects
Awesome site my Friend! Love what you have accomplished! Wish I could get you to MY place? I got some shop equipment that needs some striping! lol
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