Last weekend was my birthday. I want to thank everyone for the cards, greetings and cool presents. even got some BBQ and cake!! The kids, neighbors and friends were over for awhile and we watched movies. After they left I didn't feel like working so I watched some movies myself, but that's like going through the forest alone.... push play
always makes me think of that van from kansas....OK, back to the garage. I have a trailer to load Ill be on a work break for a while. more later from florida!!
oh! my. ferd looks good what color you gonna paint it.
You and i are doing OUR birthday party at the turkey rod run. But happy birthday for now. I was wondering why the flags at the in and out burger were at half mast last week.
gonna paint it to match the flying eagle.... if i get that far...
wonder if those wild animals have sharp teeth?
sharp as razors.....
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